On Android, every time you restart, whether because of an update or because the battery is low, the SD card in the phone is not recognized by Spotify, and all downloads are simply gone. Tip: You can identify the media you have downloaded to your computer/desktop device by the small gray “downloaded” arrow pointing down in the lower right corner of the media thumbnail. Ive been watching this for what feels like years, and the bug still hasnt been fixed. Click this arrow to remove this media from your downloads, and Downloads will be immediately deleted from your computer/desktop device.Next to the big green play button, you’ll see that the “Download” arrow is bold and highlighted in green.Browse your library until you find the downloads you want to delete.On the home page, click on “Your Library” from the menu at the top left of the page.Sign in to the Spotify app using your desktop and sign in.Here is how to delete Spotify downloads from a desktop:

How to Delete Spotify Downloads Using Desktop If you delete a downloaded playlist, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.Select “Delete Download” from the pop-up menu.You will see a list of the media you currently download to your device.This same green arrow is visible on each downloaded playlist from the library view. They have a green arrow, right next to its names. On the left bar, you can see the playlists you have downloaded. Under the name “Your Library,” find “Downloaded” and tap on it. If you want to delete your downloads from the desktop app, you can follow these steps: Open the app.Click the “Your Library” icon in the lower right corner of the home page.Sign in to the Spotify app using your device.Here is how to delete Spotify downloads from a mobile device: